Family Law Attorneys

Whether you’re planning for your future or figuring out a future you hadn’t planned for, we’re here for you.

Rebecca M. Eimerman
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Our firm is dedicated to making our clients as comfortable as possible during the difficult transitions that occur in many family law cases and situations. Our attorneys are not only experienced in the legal aspects family law, but also with the courts and the court system but will advocate for each of our clients zealously.

We’ll help you through the difficult transitions.

Whether you’re dealing with a divorce, child custody, child support, or paternity issue, our team is here for you

1. Set up a Consultation

Our legal team will review your case and you’ll fill out a client data sheet.


2. Hire Our Legal Team

Meet with one of our attorneys to go over your case and retain our services so we can get to work for you.


3. Relax

No matter what your situation, we’ll work to make sure you and your family can relax knowing that your case is in good hands.

Transitions in life and family can be hard.

Our family law attorneys work to make a tough situation as simple as possible so you and your family can get back to your lives. Here are some areas of family law we cover.


The legal term for divorce in Indiana is “dissolution of marriage.”  Because Indiana is a no-fault state, neither party has to be at fault for the divorce.  Simply advising the court that there has been an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage is enough to get a divorce.  After the filing of the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, there is a mandatory 60-day waiting period before the divorce can be finalized.  If the parties are able to reach a settlement in the division of property, assets, debts, and issues pertaining to the child (if applicable) then a settlement agreement can be submitted to the court for approval by the Judge.  If an agreement cannot be reached, then the case will proceed to trial wherein the Judge will make a ruling concerning these issues.

Legal Separation

A legal separation is good for one year after the court issues its decree of legal separation. Prior to that one year elapsing, either party may petition to covert the legal separation to a dissolution of marriage or they will be legally restored to the status of married persons.

Child Support

Child support is the financial support provided by the parents for the benefit of the child(ren).  A child support order is issued requiring one of the parents to pay child support for the child(ren) to the other parent.  There are standard guidelines used by the court in determining the child support.  The court uses a child support worksheet to determine the child support order.  The worksheet takes into account the income of both parents and expenses such as daycare, education, and the health insurance expense for the minor child(ren).  Another factor that is included is the number of overnights the noncustodial parent spends with the minor child(ren).

Custody and Parenting Time

Custody and parenting time are two separate issues.  There is both physical custody and legal custody that is determined.  Parenting time is the time that the child(ren) spend between the parents.  There are many factors that go into determining both custody and parenting time, but the Court’s job is to always keep the child(ren)’s best interest in mind when making such orders.


When parties have a child out of wedlock, paternity needs to be established by the father in order for the father to have rights to the child.  Paternity can be established at the hospital when the child is born by signing a paternity affidavit.  If paternity is not established at the hospital at the time of the birth, a Petition to Establish Paternity can be filed with the court and the court can order a DNA test to establish paternity if there is a dispute over the paternity.  By establishing paternity, this also makes the father legally obligated to support the child.

Child In Need of Services (CHINS)

CHINS refers to a minor child who is suspected of having been abused, neglected, or endangered.  Typically, the Department of Child Services (DCS) will intervene on behalf of the State of Indiana in order to declare the child a CHINS.  The allegations will be investigated and they will either be substantiated or unsubstantiated.  If they are unsubstantiated the case will be closed.  If they are substantiated, further actions will be taken to protect the child, which could include removing the child from the parent(s) or guardian(s).


There are two types of guardianship; guardianship of a child and guardianship of an adult.  When an adult is granted guardianship of a child then they have the authority to make all decisions regarding the child.  Guardianship of an adult is granted when the adult is incapable of making personal and financial decisions for themselves.  

Name Change

If you would like to change your name, you must do so by filing a petition with the court requesting that your name be changed.  In order to change your name, you cannot be in jail or prison, you have to be at least 17 years of age, you cannot be registered as a sex or violent offender, and it cannot be an attempt to avoid creditors.


Adoption is permanent and the child(ren) being adopted is then given the same rights and privileges as a natural heir of the adopting parent(s).  Upon the completion of the adoption, the biological parents no longer have rights. 

Guardian ad Litem

When there are custody and parenting time disputes in a case, sometimes a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) will be appointed.  The job of the GAL is to represent the best interest of the child(ren).  The GAL will complete an investigation and will then submit a written report to the court offering their recommendations that they believe to be in the best interest of the child(ren).  The Judge will take these recommendations into consideration when making a ruling on those issues.

Your family is going through a difficult time. Whether you’re looking at a divorce or dealing with child custody and support issues following a divorce, it can be an overwhelming situation. On top of how the situation is impacting you, you have to think about your children and their future.

We have walked through issues of divorce, child support, child custody, and paternity with many clients just like you. Our team works with you to achieve an outcome that puts you and your family on solid footing to start anew.

Set up a consultation today and we will walk you through the legal process and what you can expect from your family law case. Fill out a client data sheet and meet with your attorney. We will develop a plan for your specific case and complete a fee agreement so we can get to work for you.

Don’t let a family law case impact you more than it should. Our family law team will help you navigate this process to achieve an outcome that works for you.

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